Thursday, 7 July 2011

Yellow or Red. Orange can aa? # 2

Ok the previous post is pure hard fact. Now on, its my own speculation & based on my imagination alone
First of all, I would like to make clear that I am no expert in politics. My opinion may be wrong and biased. Please,correct me if I'm wrong

Lets compare BERSIH & BERSIH 2.0

BERSIH & BERSIH 2.0 both demand 8 things.
In BERSIH, they disaprove the action of extending the age limit of SPR member from 65 to 66
In BERSIH, they commented about the huge change of law during the current administrator
In BERSIH 2.0, I dont think there are other demands except for the 8.
So, I can see that BERSIH 2.0 is more towards ritual rather than need.
" Last PRU, we did BERSIH and the vote suddenly shift largely, this PRU, we must do the same"

BERSIH claimed that it has nothing to do with political. It may be true.But if we look at a bigger context, who will have the advantage once BERSIH is done? ;)
You have to be sceptical to understand why BERSIH is supported by some, and hated by others.
It has nothing to do with it's demand.
The demands made by BERSIH is beneficial for a better PRU.
But, BERSIH 2.0 hides it's real intention beneath the 8 demand.
but I'm not saying it's a bad thing. They deserve their share of publicity.
"Nothing's fair in love and war~"

Then, I am puzzled at the tremendous effort to stop BERSIH. In other developed country like UK, the citizen are given right to organize and attend a rally (even if it has traces of political intension).They were even provided with space, medical aid and security for the demos.

Citizen of Malaysia has the right to speak. Has the right to wear any colour of shirt he/she desired. And has the right to support anyone they desired. So, why deprive them of their national right?

In my opinion, a workforce should be made that include both parties that will design and organize the BERSIH rally. This way, the political biased that is bound to occur in BERSIH 2.0 will be deminished. Goverment must sometimes lower their ear to the public level to hear what the people wants.

Why dont you set an example and take the role of a loving but inteligent father. A father of that criteria will not constantly forbid his son to do what the son's wants just because it is dangerous. but the father will consider it, maybe provide enough safety features for the son. For example, if the son want to play skateboard. He is bound to fall down. A father's role is not to deprive the son of playing skateboard, but provide him with helmet, elbow & knee protecter so that if the son falls, he will be safe.

I am really worried of the current crisis. Something must be done or the situation will get ugly. We dont want another '13 May' incident. Remember? it happen during PRU too
Thats all.

p/s: check out this video.Its awesome.Click HERE 
p/p/s : continue reading the result of BERSIH HERE


Admin said...

salam kenal...

dah follow awak..

minta tolong bagi pendapat bleh?


Unknown said...

happy to help.=)

Damn Nations said...

Betul jugak. suara rakyat perlu diutamakan (^_^)