Tuesday 29 November 2011

Be bad,to be good

"We will unite the world by becoming their common enemy"

have you ever seen Gundam? i only watch 1 series which is the Gundam 00,
So for those who never seen it, ( Skip if you already watch it before)
basically its about future civilization where energy fuel is no longer easily available,
So human at that time resolve to harnessing the suns radiation for energy by building a piller that goes straight to outer atmosphere. The piller transfer the suns energy and provide electricity to the area nearby the pillar. Only 3 piller are manage to be build and so, the world are divided into 3 group.
These 3 group are constantly fighting among each other as they are afraid to lose their pillers
So wars begins
In the mist of all that, an unknown organization called Celestial Being appear and claim war upon the whole world. This is what I want to talk about today. (huhu.mukadimmah panjang gila)
The Celestial Being plan to unite the 3 group by becoming the common enemy.
This idea fascinate me.

So I put it to the test.
Well, my two roommates cannot get along with each other
and I always feels the tension between them
The source is way back but I'm not writing it here
For me, I'm in the neutral side, so I'm okay with both
But recently, for some reason I will not mention here, my relationship with both of them seems a bit shaky
At first I thought I should try to repair it but suddenly, I remember about the 'celestial being' idea.
If I just push this much further, I might become a common enemy for them
Having a common enemy might unite them, I thought

And to my surprise, the idea work!
Both my roommate are now buddies as they join force to give me the 'silent treatment'

But now, I'm kinda torned apart.
I kinda miss them (I said it with the manliest tone possible)
But its good to know they are getting along
What do you think I should do?

Anyways, should this theory work for our endless fighting world?
Fight among the ruler and opposition
Can't you just get along?
Well but you must remember,
As Islam,we are united as we all have the same enemy
The devil.

p/s: my roommates don't know I write blog,so that's why I'm free to write here. Actually nobody knows.Except you readers.keep it a secret between us yah!


Unknown said...

just to wish..all the best in your final exam...

zulaikha said...

salam ziarah, AT (:

like those few final words :

"Fight among the ruler and opposition
Can't you just get along?"

well, as far as i'm concern, regarding your post here, is you're doing the sacrifices by being the enemy of your 2 roommates so that they both get along with each other back.

so, you are like the Celestial Being, right?

well, i guess, your intention was good enough despite you get left out behind after that, but I think some time later, the 3 of you will get along back together..it's just a matter of time.

insyaALLAH, niat yang baik, ada nilainya di sisi Dia Yang Maha Esa (:

ok, mau tido. haha.

p/s : memang tak pernah tengok Gundam pun, tapi pernah je dengar...ages ago. heheh.

how come you can hide the blogger identity from your friends all this while?? wow! perghh...mantap!


Unknown said...

hehe.No lah I'm not that good of a person. I did it all in the name of testing a theory. Well it work.perhaps one day, the same can be done to Malaysia, and the world.

hmm.insyaallah.Hope so

huhu.blog tempat AT nak merapu. tanak orang tahu. segan2

littledolphin said...

if we use this theory,someone has to sacrifice.but who? o.o

ok thats so cool.i also wanna hide my identity but i just cant resist telling everyone that i have a blog. =.="

Unknown said...

i dunno.Batman? =p

hehe.yeah I know what u mean. very2 tempting.