Monday 16 April 2012

Paying debt with debt

Against Abolish PTPTN.
insert negative comment on why it is bad to abolish it
the end.

at first I was like ,its not possible!
so like most student,i googled it.

what interest me is how the said organization plan to fund the idea.
One of the plan is to create a bon to sell and use it to cover the debt.

Bon is basically an agreement of debt or IOU in simple term as in I Owe You.
Its a piece of paper (or ribbon.lets say ribbon,its more cool,like in the Da Vinci Code) that state that the person owe another person a certain amount of something in promise of return of the said something in certain time plus certain benefit which in this case,money.
Bon is usually issued to the bank by the goverment to receive large amount of cash for nothing but a promise that the goverment will pay it back with interest. 
I can't possibly shake my head more vigorously to that idea.
Bon is the last resort anyone could use to cover debt as the debt will get bigger
In my opinion, we should only owe money if we are certain that the money we owe will help us make more money than the one we owe so that we could repay the money we owe plus the interest and still gain profit (make sense?)
But to owe money to repay debt is kinda pointless, and to some extend  fatal.
In fact,it is the main reason why the US economy is failing.

Let say every year,you spend RM 100+X and yet, you only earn RM 100.
So in year 1, you have a debt of RM X
You would then issue a bon to the person you borrow for X plus an interest of say 1%
So you are now in debt of X + 1% of X.
and so, the next year, you issue new bon, and your debt will be X+1% of (X+1% of X) and so on
you are basically saying "ok i will lend some money to repay the debt but this time, with higher debt rate"
theoratically, you are just delaying the inevitabe.
Oh Malaysia..please,don't do that..not cool..

This is the reason why Islam forbit Riba
In my understanding ( I may be wrong ), Riba can be define as taking more than what you lend by charging time. But then how about house & car loan,you might ask. But that, is a whole different ways of lending which I will discuss later. Its the islamic way.( I might be wrong )

Conclusion, I have fyp to finished and here I am,procrastinating.sigh.

and it yourself!

keywords :- ipta ipts hutang kerajaan pkr umno pas more pointless keyword to attract google search.


littledolphin said...

hari tu dah baca dah benda ni.tapi x fhm.pastu sekarang baca balik,baru faham.haha

tambah banyak hutang je nanti.bahaya bahaya.

lagipun,kalau nak bagi pendidikan percuma,nanti banyak kolej swasta boleh bankrap.saya ni ipts,mestilah cuak. :8

littledolphin said...

eh kawan,apa maksud kawan dgn 'berlainan'? o_0

i did think of something but er.maybe tak kot.haha

Unknown said...

hehe. i mean, tak sangka pula kamu suka makanan kucing kaler merah XD get it..err..

littledolphin said...

oh gitu ya kawan.hehe

kita kan dolphin,mana nak makan makanan kucing ni hahaha

eh kawan,kawan ada twitter tak?

Unknown said...

ada2. tapi dah lama tak bagi burung tweet tu ko.