Wednesday 15 June 2011 kena serang

dont focus on popular blogger only. promote them too :) listblog
Im not anonymous. Im adam oscar dimarco
I've been here before. Remember Me?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kena serang..huhu
tapi bagus lah hacker ni
dia considerate
dia hack muka depan ja
kalau korang type kat URL extension dia, boleh ja
cthnya ""
dia cuma hack tang

If ask about my opinion,
These act are just the act of frustation. and somehow, this is their way of joking.(and showing off)
For example, you are good at writing,so you show your talent off by write blog
These hacker are good at hacking, so this is the way they want to show off..
As long as you hackers dont hack anything that will causes serius physical injury..

Truthfully, I laugh a little when I saw that logo when I open
p/s - Hope it's not me..I doubt it..My blog are not worth the effort huh?

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