Sunday 12 June 2011

Write for fame

Is it true? Do I write because I like fame and fortune??
It really hurts when people say all bloggers write only for the fame and fortune.
Thats not true.
For me, I really like writing. But there's no point of writing if there's no one to read what I write, ain't it?
Thats my case. I promoted my blog, not to make it famous or anything
(it would be good if it does..hehe)
I just have a warm fuzzy feeling every time I know someone read and appreciate my post
(and I would curl up in bed when someone dislike it)

Like for example, penceramah agama give lectures to the people for the sake of Islam. But it is also their job. So, it is unfair for us to say 'tak payah bayaq duit lah kat dia. Dia sepatutnya ikhlas berceramah kerana Islam'. He/she has a family he needs to feed.

Thats my case, I really don't expect any money out of this blog writing.(have I mentioned I like writing?.hehe) But for all the time I invested in writing, I think it would be fair if I get some reward for my effort right? Do you know it takes almost 1 hour to write a post that is readable in less than 5 minutes? Anyway,it is nice if you could get paid doing things that you love.

So..dont judge people too easily kay..Not all blogger are searching for fame and fortune only. For me, I want readers who appreciate my writing. or better yet,reader who is always waiting for my post (hehe..keep on dreaming lah AT oii)

I used to write blog before this. But I deleted the account because it is not going where I want it to go.But then one of my friend said to me
"hang kena terus menulis. Hang ada ilmu yang boleh berguna kat orang lain. Setiap ilmu yang berguna tu, pahalanya sampai kita mati pun masih terus berjalan tau tak"
That's why I continue writing.
(hehe..sentimental lah hari ini..)
p/s: Teringat lagu 'bukan kerna nama-Ramli Sarip Nice song. Check it out!)

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An_Sam said...

memang best kalau apa yg kita tulis dibaca dan di'kritik'..btw , setuju dengan pendapat your friend tu ..setiap yang kita tulis kalau dapat memanfaatkan orang lain insyaAllah dapat jadi 'saham' di akhirat..dan juga kalau sebaliknya ( benda tak baik pon akan jadi 'saham' jugak )

apa2 pon , keep on writing la k.. =)

Unknown said...

Terima kasih untuk komen yang membina itu. Itulah prinsip yang AT pegang.

AT akan terus menulis jika ada yang sudi membaca..=)

zulaikha said...

salam ziarah (:

continue writing what you believe and what you need.

share whatever u knew, u experienced, u learned from others or yourself.

insyaALLAH, moga bermanfaat ^^

Unknown said...

tq for the advise..Insyaallah.sama2lah kita berbakti..=)

Cuma cek tak paham tang " continue writing what you believe and what you need. "

What you need dalam erti kata apa ek?

zulaikha said...

well, yg ni ikut kefahaman cek, "what you need" in the sense of need blessings by Him, need of guidance, need of advices..

so, u write anything to get close to Him more than ever. anything that will make others feel the presence of God in themselves, insyaALLAH..

tu la yg cek rasa...cek pun banyak kelemahan...

*sorry, kalau masih tak berapa memahami*

Unknown said...

Ok cek faham..

Insyaallah. dalam penulisan cek,cek cuba selitkan elemen2 yang hampa habaq tadi.
Cuma ia lebih kepada tersirat dari tersurat.
This way, all, even the non-malay boleh baca dan hargai,and better yet, tertarik dengan keindahan-Nya =)

zulaikha said...

yeah, glad to hear that =)

semoga berjaya menarik ramai orang kepada keindahan Islam itu sendiri dengan penulisan hampa.

(wahhhh...jarang2 dapat balas mesej ngan orang utara nih, dalam bahasa utara!)


Unknown said...

huhu..nak kenal dengan bhasa utara, bacalah novel Asyraf Hadi

(cewah..sempat promote lagi..=p)

littledolphin said...

yes-totally!u express the things i have long kept in my mind.About the writing for the fame thingy.i mean we promote our blog so people will read it but not necessarily because of fame :)

Unknown said...

yep.Glad we have the same opinion on the subject.=)
like right now, I simply feel happy just by knowing you read my post.=)

Unknown said...

Exactly. I just subscribed to ur blog but apparently, you seem to have stopped writing. What happened to u? I just started to write btw.