This post today, I dedicate it to the SPM's,STPM's and the matriculation student.You might be in euphoria right now. You just finish your exam.Well,all I can say is go celebrate every bit of your freedom.You deserve it.
Click 'Read More' if you want to know about engineering
Err..Nice choice.You choose to read rather than play.
You would make an excellent engineer.
let me first impress you with what engineering could achieve:
This is not an actual rose
It is the result of manipulating the molecular structure of substance to form a nano roses.
Proud to say, this is done by Chemical Engineer.
We study the inside of the inside of the inside.
and we manipulate it even at nano level.
You can read all about it by clicking the pic
The Japanese are responsible for those
Rectangle save space,thus save money
It is done by altering the DNA of the watermelon
Yeah..The architect design it
but we engineer made it possible.
Yeah. I'm proud to be a Malaysian!!
I have more but i think i made my point.You can search online for more information.
But be warn. Chemical Engineer is NOT a Chemist!
You must first understand that even if you are interested in chemical,it doesn't mean you are into engineering
It is important that you realized that first
A chemist,study the fundamental of any chemical theories.They make hypothesis and prove their theories.
A chemical Engineer uses the theories to solve problem.
You might pointed out to me that in the old time, one man could be a chemist,engineer,mathematician all at one go. Yes it is possible, if you are a genius like Archimedes or Albert Einstein.
Some of you might also confuse chemical engineer with oil and gas engineer.
oil & gas engineer focus on geology which is actually have more in common with civil engineer rather than chemical.
O&G engineering generally study on method to find O&G
So,choose wisely. Ask your parent,teacher or search the internet like what you are doing right now.
Once you choose,theres no turning back.4 years of cramming for you~
Personally,I suggest you watch the movie '3 Idiot'. It is a hindustan movie about 3 student learning engineering in university. I won't review it in my blog. You can find yourself but i assure you,every penny spent is worth it.
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seram je denga perkataan 'engineering"....all the best :)
hehe..all the best to you too..
(memang seram..patut dibuat cerita hantu tentang engineering)
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