Sunday 1 May 2011

Story of a little bird

There once was a little bird who live in the time of Prophet Ibrahim AS. When Prophet Ibrahim AS was burned by the villagers, a little bird saw what happen and decide to put out the fire to help Prophet Ibrahim AS. The bird scoop up water from the river but it is not enough because the bird's beak is small. Larger birds in the vicinity watched and laughed at the little bird and they said " Why are you carrying the water? "
The little bird said " To put out the fire around Prophet Ibrahim AS "
The larger birds continue laughing. "How could you put out that fire with such a small amount of water? It is pointless"

Do you know what the little bird replied?

"I am sure Allah will not asked me whether I manage to put out the fire or not.But Allah will ask what have I done to stop the fire"

Hearing the answer, all the larger birds are silented.
I admit, most of the time, I am the larger bird.(sigh)

We often think that our effort is the one responsible for our success.This is WRONG.
Allah is the One. If he say we succeeded, we will succed
Our effort is just a sacrifice that we are willing to make.

We must apply this in our way of study.
We study hard, not to score in exam.
We study hard, all because of ALLAH

p/s : I read about this story in the webpage exco pmi,usm kampus kejuruteraan,USM

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